Our Team

  • Greg Kahlen - Technical Director

    Mr. Kahlen typically coordinates all communications between The Kahlen Group and its clients. He has worked extensively with the State Water Resources Control Board, California Department of Public Health, and California Department of Water Resources to obtain funding for a variety of projects for The Kahlen Group's Clients. He has over 35 years of experience in the surveying field, and over 15 years of experience with obtaining project funding​.

  • Michelle Mayorga - Production Manager

    Mrs. Mayorga has over 20 years of experience in production management. She coordinates, organizes, and controls the productions of applications. Her responsibilities include document control, working with the Project Manager to confirm application status, and providing quality control to ensure that final documents comply with submittal requirements.

  • Sylvia Casas - Compliance Specialist

    Ms. Casas's responsibilities include preparation of schedules, cash flow projections, and reports as required by funding agencies. She coordinates Labor Compliance Programs and the preparation of claims for disbursement of funds.

  • Behrooz Mortazavi - Quality Assurance & Control

    Mr. Mortazavi provides a final, independent review of all reports, requests for disbursement, and any other documentation that is provided to the funding agencies to assure that all requirements and milestones of the funding agreement are met.